Title: CRY OF ANGELS (1997) (A.K.A. Nemesis 4: Death Angel)
Sue Price, Andrew Divoff
Directed By:
Albert Pyun
Release Year:
VHS Release Year:
CFP Video
Box Type:
Catalog #:
Released in Canada in 1997 by C/FP Video.
Fourth entry in the"Nemesis" series.
The logo is red foil.
In the U.S., this film is known as "Nemesis 4: Death Angel" and "Nemesis 4: Cry Of Angels, and was released with the latter title on VHS in 1999 from Avalanche Home Entertainment.
The "Nemesis 4" title does not appear on the front of the box but it does appear in the credits on the back of the box.
Lots of nudity from Sue Price, a former female bodybuilding champion who spends most of the movie nude.
Andrew Divoff's name is misspelled, "Andrew Divolff" on the back box credits.
Last Updated: Feb. 10, 2014